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How did it all started, back in 1987?

For quite a number of years breeders and lovers of the Old English Sheepdog had felt the need to liase with other OES people in Europe specifically sharing knowledge, know-how, experiences running a clubs, development of the breed, health issues and so forth, with the main purpose to secure and improvement our breed. These specific topics were discussed by some European breeders, the night after the International Show in Trieste 1987. On that night the foundation was laid for a tightly knit European cooperation.

Roberto Arcion (I), Joachim Pilz (DE), Barbara Muller (CH), Claude Ritter (FR), Eef ter Mors (NL) and Pedro Frean (E) embraced this idea and promised each other to keep this movement going. At first the idea was to establish a European OES club, but that thought was quickly abandoned. The various national breed clubs in Europe were too busy in their own country organizing everything and furthermore there were several other national and international organizations. There was the fear - in case of starting a European OES Club - that administrative and bureaucratic procedures would mean the end of this otherwise so brilliant initiative.

The first priority was to ensure that each year - in a different European country - a Euro-OES-Show would be organized. To guarantee the continuity of this show and to give it a personal quality, the Forum drafted a few rules of integrity. The national breed clubs cannot organize this European show unless they have agreed to respect these rules as much as possible. The Italian club was the first club to organize this show in 1988 and it was a great succes. From that moment on the organisation was growing and growing. A big boost for the popularity of this show came a few years later when the  Scandinavian participants boosted the Gala Dinner, performing a great musical playback show, a tradition they have kept ever since.

Through the years the national breeding clubs hosting this event, have added more activities including a welcome reception, excursions, golf tournament, a seminar, a local Saturday dinner, then of course the Euro Oes Show on Sunday ending with the grand finale "the Gala Dinner".

2015 Lisa T. Nielsen ( DK ) was added to the Forum and in 2016 Karolina Morrison (CZ) was added to the Forum.

2018 was the year when Mr. Eef ter Mors left the Euro Oes Forum, after 30 years of devotion, commitment and passion for this event, an event he himself was such a huge part of from the very beginning. Eef will forever be a part of the Euro Oes Show in heart and in soul!

2019 Joachim Pilz unfortunately lost the battle to illness and a passionate Euro OES Show lover is no longer amongst us, but in spirit always. Joachim will be missed but never forgotten.

2022 Sophia Bilsheim ( D ) was added to the Forum.